Easter Bakes

Easter Bakes


Moving house along with assorted other life events have stopped me from posting much, but I wanted to put up a quick post from my Easter Bakes. The pièce de résistance was Guiseppe’s pastiera. According to Guiseppe, it’s the most…

Egg Kichel

Egg Kichel


Egg Kichel is very niche. If you aren’t Jewish you probably never heard of them. For that matter, one Jewish friend I asked about them responded with a vague “I think they had them at synagogue sometimes?” For some reason,…

Easter-over Bakes

Easter-over Bakes


Easter-over bakes! I’m Jewish (with an emphasis on the ish), and my wife and the rest of the family are varying flavors and levels of Christian. This year Easter and Passover happened to overlap, so of course I needed to…

Home Made Mallomars

Home Made Mallomars


I don’t remember why I decided to make homemade mallomars. I think it was the yearly realization that they are actually a seasonal product. This comes up every year around the holidays when they are “in season”. It made me…