Easter Bakes

Easter Bakes


Moving house along with assorted other life events have stopped me from posting much, but I wanted to put up a quick post from my Easter Bakes. The pièce de résistance was Guiseppe’s pastiera. According to Guiseppe, it’s the most…

Thanksgiving Bakes

Thanksgiving Bakes


Thanksgiving has come and gone, and ofc I had to get my bake on with some Thanksgiving bakes. First up, you always need some bread and butter with turkey day dinner, so I made an overnight white. I also made…

Apple Marzipan Tart

Apple Marzipan Tart


I made an Apple Marzipan Tart for my in-law’s dual birthday celebration. They decided that my mother-in-law would pick the theme this year and she requested apple. I’d been looking for an excuse to make something from Jurgen Krauss’ (of…

Coconut Cheesecake

Coconut Cheesecake


I made a Coconut Cheesecake for my father-in-law for Father’s Day. Cheesecake and/or coconut are usually his go-to requests when I’m making something, so I decided to combine them. I used this recipe from King Arthur Flour. It calls for…

Strawberry Rhubarb Tart

Strawberry Rhubarb Tart


It’s Strawberry Rhubarb Tart season! Our yearly CSA began last week, and one of the first things we always get is rhubarb and strawberries. Two years ago I made individual tartlets, this year I decided to make a single full-sized…