Strawberry Yuzu Birthday Cake

Strawberry Yuzu Birthday Cake

I made a Strawberry Yuzu Birthday Cake for my wife. Her request was “something with yuzu”, and I had free reign from there. Yuzu and berry seemed like a good match from the research I did, so I decided on strawberry. I always try to go all out to impress her for her birthday bakes. Here are a couple of past examples. I’ll cut straight to the reveal..

Yuzu Strawberry Birthday Cake
Yuzu Strawberry Birthday Cake

Recipes using Yuzu weren’t the easiest to find, and many results weren’t in English, but I basically copied this one from Masterchef Australia. It left out a few key bits of information on timings and temps that I had to wing, which made for a very Bake Off feel. Yuzu itself also wasn’t particularly easy to find, but Amazon to the rescue. I ordered this, and this. I’d love to use real fresh Yuzu for something someday, but even in Asian groceries, I don’t think I ever remember seeing it. I decorated it with a few fresh strawberries, and liberally with gold in both leaf and flake form since my wife loves gold. I think when it comes to celebration takes, you can never really be over the top on decorations. Of course, there were also candles for serving..


And finally, here is what a slice of the cake looked like when served. Everyone loved it, especially my wife, which of course is what was most important since it was her birthday.

Yuzu Strawberry Birthday Cake Slice
Yuzu Strawberry Birthday Cake Slice
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